Today, we are here to bust some interior design myths. And, to start with, we would like to tell you that if you are small on space doesn’t mean you have to be less on style. Here, we are going to help you maximise the space of the multifunctional room in your home, that is your kitchen. Right from preparing food, to entertaining guests to sharing meals, everything can be beautifully accommodated in a high-rise gallery or a small space in a suburban cape.

Look below for the 10 best efficient ideas to enhance space in your small kitchen.

1. Sculptural Touch

sculptural touch

If you have a small and compact kitchen space in your city apartment, one way to create an illusion of big space is to add a decorative and minimal piece that is equally functional and dressy. Go for a simple and sleek fallen oak counter top with a cherry log painted white.

2. A Touch of Mirror


Adding mirrored glass on the cabinet doors creates an illusion of a bigger space. Don’t forget to add plenty of white as white reflects light and in turn, enhances the space and makes the room look more bright and airy.

3. Black is Bold and Beautiful

black is bold and beautiful1

If you wish to have a creative setup and are willing to opt for a slightly more edgy look, try and include black to the interiors of your kitchen space. Black helps to instantly turn around the boring and dull look without much accessories.

4. Smart Storage Solutions

smart storage solutions

Another way to make your kitchen interesting is by increasing the storage space that would help in storing the cutlery as well as create an interesting exhibit with open decorative shelves and cabinets.

5. Charming Cottage Style Kitchen

charming cottage style kitchen

Designer Victoria Pearson

For a space that is too small to have a dining table, and too big to not have anything, cottage style designed kitchen is the effective solution. Add a decorative and multipurpose piece of a table that will act as the serving as well as storing unit. Include small and comfortable stools to bring an experimental style to the conventional seating arrangement.

6. Funky and Experimental

funky and experimental

Go with an experimental and funky style by adding an unusual piece of wallpaper with a quote or designed motif that goes well with the style and theme of your home. Add a contrasting lamp over the mini dining space to make the area bright and inviting.

7. Contemporary and Neutral

contemporary and neutral

If you are looking for something simple and elegant, go with a contemporary and neutral style kitchen space. Enhance the natural source of light by including white cabinets and interiors. You can also include some modest suspended lights to bring interest to the otherwise plain area.

8. Bright Contrast

bright contrast

A bright contrast is one of the most sought after ways to bring some personality to your compact culinary space. Try and add one striking and contrasting piece in your kitchen either in the form of a shelf, chair or table skin to make it look more beautiful and functional at the same time.

9. Stacked Cabinets

stacked cabinets

Add a period charm to your small spaced kitchen by stacking the cabinets over one another. As generally the ceilings are 11 feet high, make use of this advantage by accumulating the storage solution and making it look more like an elegant piece of furniture.

10. Trendy Meets Retro

trendy meets retro

Karen Needler

This is one impressive blend that you can have to make your kitchen expressive and beautiful in small and compact space. Include a retro looking fridge with shiny black accents and white tile backsplash to let your kitchen reflect multiple designs ideas from just one era that is equally charming and current.

We hope by looking at the above-mentioned design ideas you agree that even the tiny kitchens can have serious style. Try and imbibe few of the design ideas in your home and enjoy cooking and dining in style.

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