The product design trends for 2016 reflect our needs to move from the simpler and natural things to the technological ones. The color and the themes are, however, calming and warm and close to the nature.

1. Rose Quartz and Serenity

Pantone has named two colors for the 2016 edition as its Color of the Year forecast. The pastel pink Rose Quartz and powder blue Serenity is the best blend and combination of two colors that give warm and soft looks to the interior.


2. Warm Metals

The interior designers have predicted that rose gold, brass, copper, and gold will be leading the bathroom and the kitchen furniture and kitchen equipment. The best part about these materials is that, they are not going to be outdated and obsolete ever.


3. Design Detox

Designers have announced that they are going to prefer warm and calming hues this year. It is because other things around us are far away from nature. So, the interior of our place should let us stay connected to the nature.



4. Rough Luxe

The ambiance of our place, our office, or wherever we spend our majority of time, impacts our behavior and personality. Hence, we should be very selective in how we are going to decorate the interior of our house. As mentioned above, our interior should stay close to the nature. For that purpose, designers are going for the wooden furniture for the rooms and offices in 2016.



5. Customized Interior

There are people out there who love to be different and distinctive from others. The customization started in 2015 by most of the online businesses and it is going to continue in 2016 as well. The customer will be allowed to pick the colors, fabrics, sizes, and the combinations of all to decorate their interior.


6. Retro Tech

In 2016, technology is going to soften its edges and will be moving to the past years. The best example is Samsung’s Serif TV which will have a fabric panel at the back to put and hide all those wires and cables that jumble up at the rear or under your TV.


7. Customized Materiality

Steve Delfino, the Vice President of corporate marketing and product management at Teknion, has predicted that the designers will be going for the varied, inspiring and customized work environment. It is because, when you work in the environment which you love, you will be more efficient and productive.


8. Modular designs

Web pages will be designed in modules and components, this year. Previously, web pages were in the form of complete pages and this trend is going to change in 2016.  These components will involve designing the way the search function will work, the navigation will be laid out, and others.

atomic design

9. More flatter designs

2016 will be the year for more flat designs of logos. Companies are going to redesign their logos and those who have already done it, will try to do it more. For example Google, who has already unveiled its flat logo instead of the previous trendy one.


10. Brands and companies

Brands will be going for more immersive customer experience in 2016. They will be giving the opportunities to their customers to interact with them and demand for what they wish to have. It will make the companies have ideas about what the people want.

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