Cards Designs

Cards are widely used for their convenient sizes. There is a great variety of cards that can be used for many purposes like business cards, thank you cards, greeting cards, etc. In business, the cards display important information regarding a company or a business like, brand logo, name, address and phone number. The evolution in the cards’ design has gone from simple black text on white paper to more complex ones that display intricate layout along with visual elements like borders, icons and 3D texture designs. Business cards are usually 2×3 inches while for other purposes the dimensions can vary. Read More

A business card will help individuals to pass along their contact information for personal or professional use. The information that are displayed on a card are mainly the name of the individual, their professional status, address information, phone number as well as contact information regarding digital mediums like email address and social media ID. On other cards like greeting and thank you cards, the information that is displayed have a different purpose.

Giving a business card to a client can help someone build awareness for their work or business. Additionally, they can help the clients to find them easily, in case they want to contact a business. Moreover, it is customary to give a greeting card with a present or with flowers. The same goes for the thank you cards. Thanking guests or clients with a card will help you express your gratefulness.

In this category of graphic design we are going to share with you unique ideas for business and greeting cards. Our collections of creative designs and layouts for cards will make it easier for you to choose the right one. Choosing a well designed card will give you extra points for your creativity and your personal taste.

Card designs are a very important part of the graphic design. They require extra attention into the way the information is presented in order to create memorable connections between individuals and companies. Fonts, icons, borders and imagery are the most practical elements that are going to help you achieve it. In most cases, a card design is going to act like an ID for the general public audience that will help them recognize you.