High Quality Wallpapers Collection

A wallpaper is a digital image of a drawing or photo that is used as a decorative background of a desktop user interface of mobile communication devices, electronic devises or on the screen of a computer. For a computer, wallpapers are usually for the desktop as it is meant for the idle or home screen. As most devices already come with a default picture, users have the option to customize their device and change it to fit their needs. The term “wallpaper” was first used in Microsoft Windows before Windows Vista called it the desktop background and Mac OS X calls it desktop picture. The desktop pattern was previously referred to a small pattern that repeatedly filled the screen. Read More

What are the types of wallpapers should I consider?

A live wallpaper is a kind of application that is used to work on mobile devices that use the Android operating system. This works as a wallpaper as it provides the background image that is needed for the homescreen as it is considered as an application that provides interacting with the touch screen and the user.

Mobile wallpapers are sized down to fit to a mobile device such as a personal digital assistant, mobile phone or digital audio player. As the height is often equal to or greater than the width. Typically, wallpapers can normally be downloaded with little to no cost from various sites for modern phones that run iOS, Android, or Windows operating systems. Smartphones allow users to grab the images online or use photos that are captured with the phone’s camera that is to be set as a wallpaper.

What are the high-tech forms of Wallpapers?

In iOS, animated backgrounds have been introduced in the iOS 7 and later versions. However, there are restrictions from Apple. For Android, live wallpapers are introduced in Android 2.0 Éclair and leading versions as the live wallpaper is an interactive animated background that can change and react to input, similar to data or touch.

How should I choose my wallpaper?

Choose the best wallpaper to suit your interests. Go for animals in natural or sweet kittens and puppies for an adorable wallpaper. Choose awesome backgrounds with landscapes of Paris or the beach for inspiration on your next getaway.


With new forms of wallpapers that are developed in the market, this includes wallpaper that blocks certain Wi-Fi signals and certain mobile phone signals. With interest to privacy, the wallpaper is coated with silver ink that blocks out outgoing signals.